Armstrong Ceiling Solutions provides extensive resources for your LEED projects. Search, evaluate and document how sustainable products contribute to LEED credits by using our LEED Calculator, powered by Ecomedes.
All products in our SUSTAIN portfolio have the documentation needed for LEED v4 MR credits, HPDs, EPDs, and Declare labels. Learn more about the industry’s first collection of high performance and highly sustainable ceiling and wall solutions.
Ecomedes - Sustainable Product Search Tool
Find sustainable building options quickly and easily. Search by product, product features, or contributions to rating system.
Narrow the field. Based on project LEED compliance, evaluate general environmental information and ratings.
Generate PDFs with environmental ratings for spec submissions. Store search histories and evaluations.
Start Your Search
Better Spaces
Take 2 with Julian Treasure and hear how you can create better spaces and improve sustainability and well-being for the people who work, play, learn, and heal in today’s commercial buildings.
Continuing Education
We offer a variety of continuing education courses to help you with everything from understanding building product transparency requirements to keeping up with the latest changes to LEED v4. All are AIA-approved and many are IDCEC CES-approved.