Library Ceiling

​Create Focused Environments

Ssh! Libraries are well-known quiet spaces that provide respite, peace, and quiet.


The ultimate in quiet, libraries are where people go to get things done. The ceiling needs to have superior acoustical control, but also help create an environment where people can read, work, and research comfortably.

Check out a library ceiling with TOTAL ACOUSTICS performance that absorbs and blocks noise. But sound performance isn't the whole story. Choose from a variety of materials, shapes, colors, and forms to provide the design flexibility to make your next library one that's quietly stunning.

NRC + CAC = Total Acoustics

Getting the acoustics right is easy with TOTAL ACOUSTICS ceilings, providing the ideal combination of sound absorption and sound blocking in one ceiling panel. With three levels of sound absorption and high sound-blocking performance, Total Acoustics makes it easy to choose the right ceiling for every space, every time.

Explore Solutions for Libraries


Get the Acoustics Right in Any Space!

Request a complimentary Custom Acoustical Report for your next project and receive a detailed, customized report that will ensure you have the right ceiling to reduce noise, improve speech intelligibility, and/or meet your speech privacy needs.

Dover High School

METALWORKS wall panels and Torsion Spring ceiling panels look like wood but are made from lightweight aluminum.

Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center

Inspired by the grand stairwell inside Christ Church at the University of Oxford in England, the design team from AWI used 236 pieces of custom-made CASTWORKS GRG ceiling forms for this historical replication.

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

The renowned library achieved energy savings and earned LEED Silver certification with METALWORKS AIRTITE radiant ceiling panels.