Cleanable and Disinfectable Ceiling Panels and Grid

Cleanable and Disinfectable Ceiling Panels and Grid

Before COVID19, ceiling panel and grid cleanability was important in specific commercial applications. Now, with new recommendations from the CDC for disinfecting and cleaning all types of spaces, including residential, Armstrong has tested our most popular ceiling panels and suspension systems to give you the most up-to-date information you need on how to clean and disinfect (fog, spray, or wipe), and which EPA-approved disinfectants may be used. So you can clean and disinfect your home or commercial space with confidence.

Due to differences in the finishes and textures of our products, different methods of cleaning are required. Download our two guides for recommended cleaning and disinfecting methods for both residential and commercial spaces.

PDF Cleaning Guidelines

PDF Disinfecting Guidelines

Limit five (5) product samples allowed.