Recommended for you

Based on your answers, these options are great for your space.

24" x 24" METALLAIRE Large Panel Copper 5422505LCP

24" x 24" METALLAIRE Large Panel Copper

Item #: 5422505LCP
24" x 24" METALLAIRE Large Floral Circle White 5422309LWH

24" x 24" METALLAIRE Large Floral Circle White

Item #: 5422309LWH
24" x 24" METALLAIRE Medallion Chrome 5422234LAM

24" x 24" METALLAIRE Medallion Chrome

Item #: 5422234LAM
Please review product details, warranty, and installation instructions prior to starting your project. For questions, please contact Techline at 1-877-ARMSTRONG (276-7876) or [email protected] for assistance.