Ceilings and Fire Safety

Ceilings and Fire Safety

Most Armstrong Ceilings are rated Class A for fire safety, evaluated on ASTM E84 and ASTM 119 test methods.

Model #: 954

24" x 24" Classic Fine Textured

Armstrong Ceilings and Fire Performance

Local residential and commercial building codes for safe construction rely on two fire ratings to evaluate compliance:

  1. Flame & Smoke Spread*
  2. UL Fire Resistance Assembly Rating (Hourly Rating)**

The good news is that almost all Armstrong Ceiling panels, tiles, and planks achieve a Class A rating for flame/smoke spread, and are therefore suitable for use in most residential and commercial spaces. Find the fire classification on our Product Specifications page.

However, certain spaces require an even higher level of assurance. Check with your local code officials to understand your project requirements.

For example, for UL Fire-Rated assemblies, look for our FIRE GUARD items. Remember, UL tests entire systems. Look for both Fire Guard ceiling panels and grid main beams.

Many states are also adopting a new version of the Floor Fire Safety code into local code. This relates to ceilings installed in residential basements with engineered I-Joist floors. Armstrong Ceilings has a safe and attractive solution. Look for both the appropriate grid and ceilings for these applications.

* Test Method ASTM E84
** Test Method ASTM 119

Residential Basement Codes

Thermal Expansion Relief Notch Close-up

Suspension System - Main Beams

(Use with PRELUDE cross tees and moldings)

Armstrong PRELUDE 7400R and 8300 main beams have a patented thermal expansion relief notch to help maintain the structural integrity of the ceiling. These main beams are installed with our standard PRELUDE cross tees and wall molding.

Limit five (5) product samples allowed.