Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC)
What is CAC? Ceiling Attenuation Class is a measure for rating the efficiency of a ceiling system as a barrier to airborne sound transmission between adjacent closed spaces that share a common air plenum. The higher the CAC rating, the better the performance. A ceiling system with a CAC less than 25 is very low performance, whereas a ceiling with a CAC of 35 or greater is considered high performance.
Absorption is not a substitution for blocking
Ceilings with high NRC only can absorb sound within the space – but cannot block sound from leaving or entering the space. Ceilings with a CAC of 35+ will help block sound from traveling to adjacent spaces through the plenum, providing improved sound isolation, speech privacy, and design flexibility.
Featured Products
TOTAL ACOUSTICS – The Importance of Sound Blocking (CAC)
Sound blocking (CAC) in a ceiling is key to preventing noise from traveling to adjacent spaces. See the difference sound blocking can make in your next project.
Acoustics Video Library
TOTAL ACOUSTICS - Sound Blocking (CAC) Matters
Watch as Julian Treasure describes the benefits of a TOTAL ACOUSTICS ceiling system for effective speech privacy performance.
Passionate About Sound - Bell Box
Watch as Julian Treasure demonstrates the amazing power of TOTAL ACOUSTICS ceilings using the Armstrong bell box.
Passionate About Sound - Privacy at Last
Watch as Julian Treasure describes how acoustics affect speech privacy and learn how Armstrong TOTAL ACOUSTICS ceilings can help you provide the right combination of sound absorption and blocking to ensure proper speech privacy for any space.